Cigars at an event elevate the joy. Contact us to have us at your event, get boxed cigars for your event, or have a cigar rolling experience.
Including cigars at your next event can add a touch of luxury and sophistication, making the occasion feel more exclusive. They offer a great way to facilitate socializing, as guests can gather in smaller groups to enjoy a shared moment.
Cigars can serve as a unique conversation starter, appealing to enthusiasts and curious newcomers alike. Offering cigars creates a memorable experience that elevates the atmosphere, adding an element of relaxation and indulgence. They pair well with premium drinks, enhancing the overall sensory experience for attendees. Cigars can symbolize celebration, making them a fitting choice for milestone events.
Everything will start with whole tobacco leaves from all over the world, giving you the ability to build your own flavor profiles. Depending on your skill set and speed you will roll 4+ cigars. We'll spend the first hour learning basic terms and techniques and then you'll get to rolling! Expect 2 hours total time together.
If you don't have a group of six, have Ed put you on the list for the next rolling event.
What People Say About Cigar Doney